Aktualisasi Pembelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam Dalam Membentuk Karakter Cinta Tanah Air Pada Siswa di MTs Negeri Gresik
actualization of learning, Islamic cultural history, character patriotismAbstract
This resarch to determine the object of this research is carried out by considering the quality of the research object. The object of this research is MTs Negeri Gresik. This madrasah is the only State Tsanawiyah Madrasah in Gresik district. The location of this school is in Metatu Village, Benjeng District, which is easily accessible. The school is on the side of the highway, but it is not too crowded, so it is very conducive to learning. The right type of research for the actualization of SKI learning in shaping the character of love for the homeland in MTs students is qualitative research. Qualitative research is research that uses a naturalistic approach, namely by researching social phenomena naturally without manipulation from researchers. Qualitative research aims to understand social phenomena in depth and holistically. Based on the exposure of data, it was found that the concept of the values of the character of love for the homeland in SKI learning at MTsN Gresik is the character of students who think and behave in a way that upholds the country, nation and homeland. This character is characterized by students' concern for the environment to participate in protecting and caring for them, respecting the services of national figures and heroes, and maintaining the culture and traditions that exist in the community. SKI learning has great potential in shaping the character of love for the homeland in MTs students. Through SKI learning, students can understand the history of the nation's struggle, emulate Islamic figures patriotism, and live the noble values of Pancasila. However, there are still several obstacles that need to be overcome, such as a decrease in student interest in history subjects and the limitations of learning facilities and infrastructure.
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