Attaqwa: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam
ISSN: 1693-0649
EISSN: 2620-3901
Attaqwa:Journal Of Islamic Education conducted peer review with the concept of blind reviewers. Every article submitted in this journal is subject to peer review. Peer review is one of pattern to improve the quality of writing by sending manuscripts to several reviewers with the same competence. It aims to maintain quality and quantity of journal. The peer review in Attaqwa:Journal Of Islamic Education takes place in 7 steps with the following:
1) Submission
Authors who submit articles to Attaqwa:Journal Of Islamic Education through the open journal system (OJS). However, to make it easier for writers, the Attaqwa:Journal Of Islamic Education is also accepting submissions of papers via email.
2) Assessment on Article Mauscripts
Articles will be assessed by Attaqwa:Journal Of Islamic Education . One of the duties for Editor is to check the submitted manuscripts whether they match the focus and scope of the Journal. The composition and writing of the articles were checked and checked against the standards of the Attaqwa:Journal Of Islamic Education Writer Guidelines to ensure that they cover the passages and style used. After the article passes, the next follow-up is checked by Turnitin before sending it to the reviewer.
3) Article Review
At this point, the articles enter to OJS Attaqwa:Journal Of Islamic Education will be reviewed by editor. Reviewer takes time to read articles. Articles will be skimmed to find out what is unique. Then, if they don't get what makes the article unique and different, the reviewer may reject the article and not continuing to read it again. However, if reviewer has read the article few more times, to take notes to build detailed point-by-point overview that needs to be improved. The notes are submitted to the journal, with a recommendation to accept, or reject it, or with a request for revision (usually marked as major or minor) before reconsideration.
4) Editor in Chief
Attaqwa:Journal Of Islamic Education evaluates the article whether it is appropriate to the journal, is quite original, finds interesting articles, and is significant for publication. Otherwise, the paper may be rejected without further review.
5) Journal Evaluating Reviews
The Chief and Editor of Attaqwa:Journal Of Islamic Education considers all reviews returned by readers before making decision. Then, when readers or reviewers provide notes, the chief and editor can invite additional reviewers to get additional opinions before making a decision to submit or reject the manuscript.
6) Decision Communicated
The editor of Attaqwa:Journal Of Islamic Education sends an email or provides a response in OJS system to provide information regarding article that has been read and reviewed by relevant reviewers. Notes from reviewers are sent anonymously to authors regarding responses are required.
7) Final Step
If the aticle is accepted in Attaqwa:Journal Of Islamic Education , the article is sent to copy-editing, if it is rejected the article will be sent back to author for revision. Then the editor will sent constructive comments from readers and reviewers to help authors make their articles better. The author must make corrections and revise the article in accordance with comments and instructions of reviewers. After revision is made, the author must resubmit the revised article to the editor via OJS system or email. If the article is resubmitted with a note in the revision, the editor reviews it again to accept the revised version. If the author does not submit the article then it is considered not to participate. If the editor is happy with your revised article, it is accepted. Accepted manuscripts will be published online in Attaqwa:Journal Of Islamic Education and all of them are free available access and download.
Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:
Authors who publish their manuscripts in Attaqwa:Journal Of Islamic Education agree to the following rules:
Attaqwa:Journal Of Islamic Education is published under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License / Attribution - Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) This license permits anyone to copy and redistribute this material in any form or format, compose, modify and obtain these materials for any purpose, as long as they give credit to the author for the original copyright.
Attaqwa:Journal Of Islamic Education uses the PKP system to create distributed filing system among participating libraries and allows these libraries to create permanent archives of journals for preservation and restoration purposes.
Attaqwa: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam
Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Institut Agama Islam Daruttaqwa Gresik
Jl. KH. Syafi'i Gg. Syaikhuna Suci Manyar Gresik Jawa Timur
Telp. (031) 3953728, Faks. (031) 3953728, Email: [email protected]
Map Coordinate : Lat.-7.141160, Long.112.605160
Attaqwa by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.