Pembatasan Penggunaan Teknologi Pembelajaran Bagi Mahasantri di Pondok Pesantren Kauman Lasem


  • Cholifah Cholifah STAI Al-Hidayat Lasem
  • Moh Sholihuddin Insitut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus



Restrictions on Learning Technology, Mahasantri, Islamic Boarding Schools


The purpose of this study is to analyze the adaptation process of Mahasantri in the use of technology, the obstacles faced, and the benefits obtained in the learning process with technology at the Kauman Lasem Islamic Boarding SchoolThe Islamic Boarding School faces major challenges in the digital era, especially in terms of the use of learning technology for students. This article explores Islamic boarding schools adapting to technological advances. The use of technology in education that considers educational values and ethics in using it. So that the function of educational technology can be utilized by education as much as possible, the students respond to the use of technology in learning. This study uses a type of qualitative research that is descriptive. The data collection technique was obtained from interviews with caregivers of the Kauman Lasem Islamic boarding school, ustadz or boarding school teachers and students. Observations were obtained by observing students in the use of technology to support learning, and documentation was obtained from documents owned by the Kauman Lasem Islamic boarding school. The validity test of the data in this study uses the triangulation method to obtain credible data. The results of the research of the students are not only academic skills, but still able to maintain the values of life skills or mental attitudes that exist in each of them. Limiting the use of learning technology at the Kauman Lasem Islamic Boarding School provides benefits, especially in terms of accessibility and effectiveness of learning. Restrictions on the use of learning technology create awareness of the consequences, responsibilities and time management abilities between obligations as students.



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How to Cite

Cholifah, C., & Sholihuddin, M. (2024). Pembatasan Penggunaan Teknologi Pembelajaran Bagi Mahasantri di Pondok Pesantren Kauman Lasem. Attaqwa: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, 20(1), 85–95.


