Atthiflah: Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education 2024-06-19T16:13:41+00:00 Atthiflah: Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Atthiflah: Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education</strong> (p-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2580-1864</a>; e-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-1210</a>) is published by Early Childhood Islamic Education Study Program (PIAUD) of Islamic Institute of Daruttaqwa Gresik, East Java, Indonesia. This journal is focused on the development of the result of studies and researches in the areas related to Islamic Early Childhood Education, Nurturing, and Parenting which covers textual and fieldwork investigation with various perspectives of Education, <em>Psychology, Religious, Education, Child Development, and Early Childhood Curriculum. </em>This journal is published twice a year in <strong>January</strong> and <strong>June</strong>. <strong>Publisher Address:</strong> <span lang="id">Jl. KH. Syafi'i Gg. Syaikhuna Suci Manyar Gresik 61151 Phone. (031) 3953728 Email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></span></p> IMPLEMENTASI PERMAINAN KALKULATOR JARI UNTUK MELATIH NUMERASI ANAK USIA DINI DI TK PERTIWI KUALA TUNGKAL 2023-11-25T07:52:55+00:00 Sri Indriani Harianja [email protected] Wafa Kartika [email protected] Nurlaily Septiani [email protected] <p>This research was motivated by the need to develop a mathematics learning approach that is in accordance with the characteristics of early childhood development. The focus of this research is the implementation of finger calculator games as an innovative method in improving numeracy and social interaction of children at the Early Childhood Education (ECCE) level. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of finger calculator games on the development of numeracy skills, understanding of basic mathematical concepts, intrinsic motivation, and social interaction of children in TK Pertiwi Kuala Tungkal. The research method used was qualitative experimental involving 15 early childhood children as participants in Pertiwi Kindergarten. Data was collected through intensive observation, interviews, and analysis of calculator game results. This approach provides a holistic picture of the impact of play on children's development. The observations indicated a significant improvement in the numeracy skills and understanding of basic mathematical concepts of the children. In addition, children's intrinsic motivation towards numeracy activities increased markedly, reflected by the constant enthusiasm during the game sessions. Social interaction among children also improved, with increased courage in sharing ideas and cooperation in completing mathematical tasks. This study concluded that finger calculator games are effective in increasing numeracy and social interaction of children in Pertiwi Kindergarten. The positive results show the potential of play as an engaging learning tool that can be integrated into the ECCE curriculum. The practical implications of this research could form the basis for the development of broader game-based learning approaches in early childhood education institutions.</p> 2024-01-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Indriani Harianja, Wafa Kartika, Nurlaily Septiani KONSEP PENDIDIKAN MULTIKULTURAL BERBASIS KARAKTER: KAJIAN SURAT AL HUJURAT AYAT 13 PERSPEKTIF IBNU KATSIR 2023-11-29T03:38:48+00:00 Iing Ilham Karuniawan [email protected] Enjang Burhanudin Yusuf [email protected] <p><em>The diversity of ethnicities, cultures and languages that exist in Indonesia is a clear example of the benefits of a pluralistic society. However, there is a risk of conflict here which could endanger the continuity of the country. This can be seen in a number of areas affected by conflict in Indonesia, including Sampit (between the Madurese and Dayak tribes), Poso (between Christians and Muslims), Aceh (between GAM and the Republic of Indonesia), and student brawls between schools. and frequent fights between villages in various regions of Java. This research uses library research to explore the concept of character-based multicultural education. In this research, there is use, namely the use of reading materials, reference books, or other research results to discover, analyze, and improve one's understanding of literary works. Research findings in Surah Al-Hujurat verse 13 include getting to know each other, tolerance, and developing devotion to Allah SWT.</em></p> 2024-01-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Iing Ilham Karuniawan, Enjang Burhanudin Yusuf PENGEMBANGAN MODEL PERMAINAN TEORI GROOS DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN ASPEK BAHASA ANAK USIA DINI 2023-11-28T01:48:02+00:00 Azmatul Kholila [email protected] Khadijah Khadijah [email protected] <p>Play cannot be separated from the world of early childhood. Early childhood is synonymous with playing and exploring the world around them. It doesn't matter whether it's hot or rainy, clean or dirty, anything that looks interesting can be used as material for experimentation. Play activities for young children are not only for training muscle strength, but more than that, playing will help children develop optimally. Because in this age range all aspects of children's development play an important role in stimulating their development, one aspect of early childhood development that needs to be developed is the language aspect. Language is the only means of communication for children to convey what they feel. The stimulation carried out can be in the form of providing games that can develop language aspects of early childhood. There are lots of games that can be played to support early childhood language development, such as role playing, guessing pictures, guessing faces, telling stories and so on. This research aims to determine the game model in developing aspects of children's language using Gross's theory. The research method used is a literature review taken from several articles about language development and children's language play practices</p> <p> </p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Azmatul Kholila, Khadijah Khadijah PENGARUSUTAMAAN NILAI-NILAI MODERASI BERAGAMA BERBASIS PENGEMBANGAN MASYARAKAT 2023-10-19T14:11:44+00:00 Imam Hanafie [email protected] Zamroni Zamroni [email protected] <p>The diversity of the Indonesian nation is the most beautiful gift from God. But Indonesia's diversity can one day turn into a disaster when the nation's children cannot take care of it, one way to take care of it is to continue to echo and ground the values of religious moderation. This research uses library research method and content analysis method. The results showed that (1) one way to take care of Indonesia is to continue to make efforts to realize the mainstreaming of religious moderation values into various aspects of the life of the nation and state. (2) The manifestation of the mainstreaming of religious moderation values must always be carried out simultaneously and synergistically between the government and society through various ways, namely continuing to promote through: Education and Counseling, Capacity Building and Training, Establishment of Interfaith Forums and Dialogues, Joint Social and Humanitarian Activities, Use of Media and Technology and Policies and Regulations</p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Imam Hanafie, Zamroni Zamroni TANGGUNG JAWAB PENDIDIKAN PADA ANAK DALAM PERSPEKTIF ISLAM 2023-09-10T04:25:35+00:00 Muhammad Sulaiman [email protected] Achmad Anwar Abidin [email protected] <p>Education is a fundamental right for human beings, especially for children. If ignored, there will be chaos in all aspects of life because of ignorance. In this article discussed the responsibility of education on the child, such responsibility is "photographed" from the point of view of Islam. This responsibility, if fulfilled, must be clearly grounded and must be firmly supported pillars. Getting an Islamic education is the right and obligation of all Muslims. The foundation is the Islamic Aqidah and the first organizer is the family i.e. the parents, the main organizer is the government which is operationally carried out by the school. Competent teachers with Islamic personality must be in it. The community is a supporting organizer, so that the burden on the government is lighter and education services are more evenly distributed. Family, school, community and government work in synergy. Helping each other, strengthening and competing in advancing education. So that the goal of Islamic education can be realized, which is to produce people of faith, piety and mastery of science and technology. In other words, producing people with character, namely good people, people with good hearts, good thoughts and good deeds</p> 2024-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Sulaiman, Achmad Anwar Abidin ANALISIS LINGKUNGAN INTERNAL DAN EKSTERNAL DI LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DALAM MENGHADAPI ERA DISRUPSI 2024-01-09T03:28:14+00:00 Muhammad Yahya [email protected] <p>The aim of this research is to describe strengthening the analysis of the internal and external environment of SDI Darul Muttaqin in facing the era of disruption, so that it continues to survive. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques used semi-structured interviews, semi-participant observation, and documentation. The analysis techniques used include data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and data conclusion. The results of this research show: 1) analysis of the internal environment of SDI Darul Muttaqin consisting of competency aspects in the form of good quality educational institutions, core competencies in the form of SDI Darul Muttaqin's contribution to the Gresik Regency Government by sending its students to competitions, the resource aspect which is dominated by teachers with undergraduate graduates, 2) analysis of the external environment, namely SDI Darul Muttaqin always tries to collaborate with existing stakeholders, collaborate with external organizations, the role and support of the local government for SDI Darul Muttaqin in increasing school quality competition, 3) efforts to strengthen the internal environment are carried out by SDI Darul Muttaqin by utilizing digital-based learning media, each educator is given insight into the use of technology, communicating with guardians who use smartphone media, 4) strengthening the external environment is carried out by holding regular outreach with the community and stakeholders, the use of technology in facilities and infrastructure used. This strengthening effort is carried out to prepare students to be able to face the era of disruption.</p> 2024-01-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Yahya PENGEMBANGAN SOAL EVALUASI HOTS DENGAN ADOBE ANIMATE CC2018 DALAM MATA PELAJARAN AL QUR’AN HADITS 2024-01-09T03:22:19+00:00 Muhammad Romadlon Habibullah [email protected] Hamidatun Nihayah [email protected] <p>Learning evaluation is a process for determining the degree of achievement of learning objectives have been studied before in a systematic way. The achievement of students in understanding the material that has been delivered by the teacher is also influenced by learning evaluation. Instead, teachers must be totality in understanding students with all their competencies and creativity. The media used in learning and evaluation is still relatively making it difficult for students to focus on learning. Included here is the subject of Quran Hadith. If you pay attention, students there will be able to concentrate on the learning process if the teacher is able to take advantage of interactive learning media. It was proven when PPL students there delivered material and questions using the Microsoft power point application.&nbsp; Learning activities in the class are getting more interesting. In the pre-digital era, the use of props can be a solution for learning media that is quite interesting. But now the all-digital one is able to be even more interesting. Departing from. This is why researchers took the initiative to develop teaching materials as learning resources by utilizing the Adobe Animate CC 2018 application. So from here, it is necessary to conduct research on the development of HOTS (Higher order Thinking Skill) evaluation questions with adobe animate cc2018 in learning Qur'an hadith for Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah. In this study, we will emphasize which Hots Evaluation Question Maker with Adobe animate CC2018 on the subject of the Qur'an Hadith for Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah and how the feasibility of the Hots Evaluation Question with Adobe animate CC2018 subject of the Qur'an Hadith in Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah. This research uses research and development method. development (research and developmennt). is a research method used to produce the product.</p> 2024-01-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Romadlon Habibullah, Hamidatun Nihayah STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN PADA SISWA MENGALAMI KESULITAN MEMBACA 2024-01-09T07:27:00+00:00 Lindarty Dian Musyarofah [email protected] Agus Maimun [email protected] Indah Aminatuz Zuhriyah [email protected] <p>Students' limited and underdeveloped reading skills occur in students with reading difficulties, becoming the background in this study. Reading difficulties have an impact on academic and non-academic standards that have not been achieved. Something similar happened to 3 lower grade students at MI Al Latifiyah Gedogwetan Turen. This phenomenon then became the focus of research at MI AL Latifiyah Gedogwetan Turen. The purpose of the study is to describe 3 things, namely 1) the condition of students with difficulty reading at MI AlLatifiyah Gedogwetan Turen, 2) learning strategies for students with difficulty reading at MI Al Latifiyah Gedogwetan Turen and 3) implications of learning strategies on students with difficulty reading at MI Al Latifiyah Gedogwetan Turen. The research approach used is qualitative with the type of case study research. Data collection techniques are carried out by interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis used is processing and preparing data; read the entire data; coding all data; describe data and interpret data. The results showed that 1) the condition of difficulty reading MI Al-Lathifiyah students inability to analyze letters, especially letters b, d, l, r and p, have visual memory deficiency, have not been able to understand the source of sound and lack of conceptual ability. 2) learning strategies for students with reading difficulties at MI AlLatifiyah Gedogwetan Turen are packaged in complete reading activities. In the completeness of reading used alphabetic card method, simple book text, book card and missing letter method. These four methods can complete students' reading skills, reading difficulties that are done repeatedly. 3) implications of learning strategies for students with reading difficulties in MI Al Latifiyah Gedogwetan Turen on the achievement of academic standards and non-academic standards. The academic standards achieved include knowledge, namely the achievement of an understanding of the key words of the material on the theme taught and skills in the form of body positions when reading properly and correctly. While the non-academic standards achieved include self-confidence, responsibility and social interaction.</p> 2024-01-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lindarty Dian Musyarofah, Agus Maimun, Indah Aminatuz Zuhriyah PENERAPAN SISTEM MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN BERBASIS TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM) DI LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN 2024-01-09T08:29:28+00:00 Yusuf Hadijaya [email protected] Nazli Fahada [email protected] Mujhirul Iman [email protected] Irwansyah Irwansyah [email protected] Rizki Hasanah Nasution [email protected] <p>This article discusses total quality management in its implementation in educational institutions. Education plays a crucial role in shaping a competitive society. One of the latest emerging approaches to improving the quality of education is Total Quality Management (TQM). Total Quality Management is one of the models or methods used to improve the quality of education in educational institutions. Total Quality Management is one of the keys to the success of the most effective educational goals. Because TQM prioritizes the integration of all functions and processes and empowers and involves all elements in the education system. TQM must be applied continuously and continuously in order to achieve educational goals, which provide satisfaction to students, parents and the community</p> 2024-01-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yusuf Hadijaya, Nazli Fahada, Mujhirul Iman, Irwansyah Irwansyah, Diana Diana PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DALAM PERSPEKTIF INTERNASIONAL WORLD MUSLIM COMPERENCE ON EDUCATION: Telaah Ontologis, Epistemologis dan Aksiologis 2024-01-05T07:18:19+00:00 Mhd. Darwis Siagian [email protected] Azizah Hanum Ok [email protected] <p>The problems studied in the International seminar on Islamic Education are often important information. So that the author wants to study more specifically and know how to understand the concept of Islamic Education in the aspect of Islamic education conferences in ontological, epistemological, and axiological concepts. This research is a type of library research (literature study). For this reason, this research focuses on literacy work as a basis without the need for field research. The method used in this study is qualitative method. This world Islamic education seminar is not timed, this seminar can be formed at any time in accordance with the agreement, there is no difference between general knowledge and religion and the integration of science.</p> 2024-01-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mhd. Darwis Siagian, Azizah Hanum Ok SISTEM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI INDONESIA DAN UPAYA MENBANGUN PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL YANG BERKARAKTER MULTIKULTURAL 2024-01-03T16:26:58+00:00 Sapruni Sapruni [email protected] Alfauzan Amin [email protected] Zubaedi Zubaedi [email protected] Ismail Ismail [email protected] Nefi Aprianti [email protected] <p>Indonesia is a country that has a variety of cultures and customs attached to a variety of ethnicities, races, cultures and religions. So that a multicultural education is needed, namely education that respects differences, so as not to become a source of conflict and division. One of the important objectives of the concept of multicultural education is to help learners to acquire knowledge, and appreciate others of different ethnicities, cultures and personality values. Multicultural education has four values, namely: Equality Value, Tolerance Value, Democratic Value, and Pluralism Value. The above values have views that complement each other in responding to multiculturalism education. National Identity is a national personality or national identity, namely characteristics or characteristics, feelings or beliefs, culture or habits owned by a nation that distinguish one nation from another. Indonesia's national identity is pluralistic consisting of a fundamental identity, namely Pancasila, an instrumental identity, namely the 1945 Constitution.</p> 2024-01-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sapruni Sapruni, Alfauzan Amin, Zubaedi Zubaedi, Ismail Ismail, Nefi Aprianti PERGESERAN REALITAS DAN HAK-HAK PEREMPUAN PERSPEKTIF KEADILAN JENDER DALAM RUMAH TANGGA: Studi Kasus Di Desa Cangaan Kecamatan Ujungpangkah Kabupaten Gresik 2024-01-10T07:05:59+00:00 Faqihatin Faqihatin [email protected] <p>Along with the rampant discussion about women’s issues, the modern Islamic discourse naturally intersects with matters relating to gender equality and women’s rights. This research is a type of field research, which is data collection is carried out in the field, such us in the society environment, social institutions and government agencies. This research is a kualitative research, which is a study that aims to explain a social phenomenon or an event. The data source is obtained from primary data, empirical data that obtained directly from household, while secondary data is supporting data comes from documents or literature related with modern Islamic perspective. The results obtained by researcher to measure whether shifting reality is really happening, it can be proved how women can claim their rights as people equal to men by suing devorce if they feel disadvantaged by men and also in the second point women also have the right for helping men or families to work.</p> 2024-01-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Faqihatin Faqihatin IMPLIKASI PUISI “AKU MANUSIA” KARYA KH. MUTHOFA BISRI TERHADAP PENDIDIKAN ISLAM 2024-01-12T07:12:48+00:00 Saeful Anam [email protected] Habib Masyhudi [email protected] <p>This research article aims to describe the poem "Aku Manusia" by KH. Musthofa Bisri and its implications for Islamic education. The research method used is literature research by reviewing several literature and analyzing substantively with experts. The results of this study show that the poetry collection book entitled "I am Human" has Islamic educational values that can be applied in everyday life, namely the value of piety, social values, and moral education values. This book of poetry collection I am Human shows that literary works can also be used as a medium for da'wah and learning media.</p> 2024-01-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Saeful Anam, Habib Masyhudi PENANAMAN NILAI AGAMA DAN MORAL MELALUI PEMBIASAAN BERDOA TERHADAP PEMBENTUKAN AKHLAK SISWA DI RA HASAN MUNADI GUNUNG GANGSIR BEJI PASURUAN 2024-01-17T08:42:25+00:00 Nanang Rokhman Saleh [email protected] Muhammad Syaikhon [email protected] <p>The impact of globalization and the rapidly development of the times marked by digitalization has made moral education in early childhood decrease drastically. Many children still commit deviant acts, acts of violence, behave badly and commit acts that are prohibited in religion. This can happen because of the lack of religious and moral cultivation from an early age. Therefore, the most important thing to do is an effort to form a moral human being by instilling religious and moral values through the habituation of prayer. Raudhatul Athfal (RA) Muslimat Hasan Munadi is one of the educational institutions under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion that implements the cultivation of religious and moral values through habituation to prayer. This study aims to analyze the cultivation of religious and moral values through habituation of prayer towards the formation of student morals in RA Hasan Munadi Gunung Gangsir Beji Pasuruan. The data sources in this study consist of primary sources in the form of school data, while secondary data are the results of observation, interviews, and documentation. Data collection techniques through observation, interview, and documentation methods. The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman analysis method so that it can be seen the implementation of the cultivation of religious and moral values through the habituation of prayer towards the formation of student morals at RA Hasan Munadi. The results showed that the cultivation of religious and moral values through the habituation of prayer towards the formation of student morals at RA Hasan Munadi was optimally implemented in accordance with expectations and developmental achievements</p> 2024-01-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nanang Rokhman Saleh, Muhammad Syaikhon PAKET PELATIHAN SELF TALK BAGI MAHASISWA YANG MENGALAMI COMMUNICATION APPREHENSION 2024-01-20T05:36:14+00:00 Devi Permatasari [email protected] Eva Kartika Wulan Sari [email protected] <p>Communication motives that are not conveyed properly then individuals experience communication anxiety. Communication anxiety can occur when speaking in public or in new situations, and is different from before. Thus causing a person to experience anxiety. So self-talk training is needed for students who experience communication anxiety. The research model used in the development of the Self Talk training package to reduce communication anxiety for new students of the Faculty of Education, PGRI Kanjuruhan University Malang, uses the ADDIE research and development model. Research and development that has been carried out by researchers produces products in the form of this training package has a function as a medium in order to facilitate counselors to help students reduce anxiety in communicating with self-speech or self-talk. The results of the validity test of Guidance and Counseling experts, and learning media experts, on the training package developed by researchers have met the criteria for acceptance. This can be seen from the results of the assessment of experts with interrater agrrement model analysis. According to the expert assessment of Guidance and Counseling on the usability aspect, showing a value of 1 that is more than 0.8 then has high validity, or in other words very good. In the feasibility aspect, it shows a value of 0.75 which means between 0.4 – 0.8 then it has moderate validity, or in other words enough. In the aspect of accuracy, it shows a value of 0.6 which means between 0.4 – 0.8 then it has moderate validity, or in other words enough. While the assessment of learning media experts on the aspect of propriety / attractiveness shows a value of 1 which means more than 0.8 then it has high validity, or in other words very good. The test results of prospective users on the training package developed by researchers have met the criteria for acceptability. This can be seen from the assessment results of prospective users with interrater agrrement model analysis. According to the assessment of prospective users / counselors on the usability aspect, showing a value of 1 which means more than 0.8, then it has high validity, or in other words very good. In the feasibility aspect, showing a value of 1 which means above 0.8, it has high validity, or in other words very good. In the aspect of accuracy, showing a value of 1 which means more than 0.8, it has high validity, or in other words very good. Suggestions for future researchers, this research is still in the development stage, has not been implemented, therefore the suggestion for the next researcher is to test the effectiveness of the guide with a pure experimental design, to use it for students to help reduce communication anxiety, in order to find out whether or not this training package is effective if applied to students</p> 2024-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Devi Permatasari, Eva Kartika Wulan Sari ANALISIS MUTU PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI DITINJAU DARI MANAJEMEN SEKOLAH FULL DAY DI RA SYARIFUL HIKAM 2024-01-25T01:08:38+00:00 Nurhidayah [email protected] Muhammad Nofan Zulfahmi [email protected] <p>Early childhood education includes all activities carried out by parents and educators in an effort to care for, nurture and educate by creating an environmental atmosphere and providing experiences for children to explore through observing, imitating and experimenting by involving all aspects of potential intelligence. The research approach applied is a qualitative method, by verifying data through triangulation techniques. The results of research conducted at RA Syariful Hikam show that the management of RA Syariful Hikam's early childhood education program implements management functions well including planning, implementation, supervision and coaching. At RA Syariful Hikam, education management is carried out in accordance with eight national standards for early childhood education. The effectiveness of the education management implemented by this institution has encouraged the foundation to introduce a full day school program, a wise solution for parts who work to leave their children at school.</p> 2024-01-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nurhidayah, Muhammad Nofan Zulfahmi PENGARUH PENERAPAN ICEBREAKER GAMES PESAN BERANTAI TERHADAP KETERAMPILAN MENYIMAK BAHASA ARAB SISWA 2024-02-05T02:51:36+00:00 Heni Widiya Lestari [email protected] Solchan Ghozali [email protected] <p>Listening skills are communication activities that aim to receive information from other people with personal interpretation. By practicing listening, students can develop concentration and elements that can develop through subsequent activities such as reading, speaking and writing. It is hoped that the use of chain message ice breaking games, which has become the center of attention in research on listening skills, can be a solution to motivate and encourage students. In this way, they can feel happy following lessons in class and gain knowledge effectively. Quantitative research methods involve the use of data in the form of numbers and the application of statistical analysis. One efficient form of quantitative research design is experimental research, which is used to test hypotheses and control certain variables through treatment. In the context of experimental design, researchers can compare groups of subjects who receive treatment with groups who do not receive treatment. The application of the Chain Message Icebreaker Games to class IV students at MI At-Taqwa Kebonagung Sukodono Sidoarjo was categorized as "Good" based on the average score obtained. It is known that the average score of the control post-test is 69.85, while the average score of the experimental post-test is 75.30, which is included in the "Good" category. The Arabic listening skills of class IV students at MI At-Taqwa Kebonagung Sukodono Sidoarjo are also in the "Good" category. This can be seen from the average score for the experimental group of 60.80, while the control group reached 53.20, with a difference of 7.6 (60.80-53.20).</p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Heni Widiya Lestari, Solchan Ghozali STRATEGI MENINGKATKAN PENGENALAN MEMBACA ANAK USIA DINI (AUD) DENGAN METODE ANAK HEBAT (AHE) 2024-01-27T13:08:13+00:00 Ubaidillah [email protected] Listianah Listianah [email protected] <p><em>This research is motivated by the background that there are still Early Childhood (AUD) who are difficult to recognize letters so that they have low reading skills, this worries some parents who want the best education for their children, Regarding this the AHE reading method provides solutions to several parental problems for the educational needs of their children, providing a reading introduction strategy using the Great Child (AHE) method. AHE is one of the many reading methods that provide some surefire step strategies to guide children in reading learning activities. In the AHE method, there are 6 strategies for the learning process steps. The 6 steps are brain gymnastics, remidi, reading modules, enrichment, writing and the last is games</em></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ubaidillah, Listianah Listianah DAMPAK PENGGUNAAN SMART PHONE TERHADAP PERILAKU SOSIAL SISWA 2024-03-19T16:13:11+00:00 Al Bunia Arrahma [email protected] Humairah Balqis [email protected] Azwan Ali [email protected] Siti Marisa [email protected] Gunawan Gunawan [email protected] <p>Cell phones and smartphones can have a positive impact if used wisely and permanently, but can also have a negative impact if used incorrectly. Smartphone addiction is a behavior where people rely on their smartphones for daily activities and lack self-control, giving the impression that users are being deceived by the presence of smartphones and applications that provide greater convenience and supervision must be carried out to overcome interaction problems between students and prevent possible negative impacts. caused by excessive use of smartphones in the school environment. Keywords need to be included to describe the realm of the problem under study and the main terms that underlie the implementation of the study. Keywords can be single words or compound words. The number of keywords is around 3-5 words. These keywords are needed for computerization. Searching for research titles and abstracts is made easy with these keywords</p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al Bunia Arrahma, Humairah Balqis, Azwan Ali, Siti Marisa, Gunawan Gunawan PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN PENGENALAN BENTUK GEOMETRI MELALUI MEDIA BANNER: STUDI DI TK AISYIYAH BUSTANUL ATHFAL 81 BEKASI 2024-05-01T12:52:00+00:00 Faizal Akhmad Adi Masbukhin [email protected] Siti Nurjanah [email protected] <p>This research aims to enhance the ability of early childhood to recognize geometric shapes through the use of banner media at TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 81, Bekasi City. The identified problem is the lack of children's ability to recognize and categorize geometric shapes. The method employed is the application of the problem-based learning (PBL) model and the use of creative and innovative banner media in geometric games, such as jumping on geometric-shaped carpets, arranging similar geometric shapes, and creating geometric shapes from playdough. The research results show a significant improvement in the ability to recognize geometric shapes in children. The learning success rate reaches 93%, indicating the effectiveness of this approach. This study concludes that geometric games with banner media at TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 81, Bekasi City are effective in enhancing the ability of early childhood to recognize geometric shapes. This approach not only introduces geometric shapes but also stimulates children's creativity and makes the learning process more engaging and beneficial. The implication of this research underscores the importance of applying creative and innovative teaching methods to enhance children's ability to understand mathematical concepts visually and interactively.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Faizal Akhmad Adi Masbukhin, Siti Nurjanah PENINGKATAN KETERAMPILAN MOTORIK HALUS MELALUI KEGIATAN MENCOCOK PADA ANAK DI TK JOYKIDS NATIONAL PLUS 2024-05-06T04:53:14+00:00 Rika Aprianti [email protected] Florence Tworedo Ervina [email protected] <div><span lang="EN-US">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan motorik halus melalui kegiatan mencocok di TK Joykids National Plus. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas atau PTK yang terdiri dari 2 (dua) siklus. etiap siklus terdiri dari: Perencanaan, Pelaksanaan, Pengamatan, dan Refleksi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tindakan bahwa kegiatan mencocok dapat meningkatkan keterampilan motorik halus di TK Joykids National Plus. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan terjadi peningkatan kempampuan memncocok. Pada Siklus I hanya terdappat 30% Peserta didik yang mampu mencocok, sedangkan pada Siklus II terdapat 75% peserta didik yang mampu mencocok. Selanjutnya peneliti merekomendasikan: (1) Bagi Guru yang mendapatan kesulitan yang sama dapat menerapkan kegiatan mencocok untuk meningkatkan motoric halus. (2) Agar mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal maka diharapkan guru membuat gambar yang mudah, sedang, dan sulit untuk kegiatan mencocok. </span></div> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rika Aprianti, Florence Tworedo Ervina Pengaruh Cerita Pendidikan “Semut Dan Jangkrik” Terhadap Perkembangan Moral Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun 2023-12-22T18:05:40+00:00 Nida Afifa [email protected] Peny Husna Handayani [email protected] <p>Fable story books can be used as a learning activity for children and as an instillation of children's moral behavior which is given by teachers to children from an early age as a trigger for children when they be have badly. Inthiscase, there is a lack of storytelling activities in instilling moral values in children. This research aims to determine the influenceof the story "Ants and Crickets" on the moral development of early childhood. This research is to improve moral development, especially in the aspects of empathy, self- control andtolerance. Thistypeof research is quantitative experimental with a research design, namely The Equivalent Time Samples Design.The research instrument used was an observation sheet. The research results in this study showed that the 1 0samp lesobtained sign ificant result swith A sympvalues .Sigis 0.005 because the valueis &lt;0.05, so the hypothes is accepted, namely the result softhe hypothesis test show that the storyof Ants and Jangkrik has an effect on the moral development of children aged 5-6 years. The conclusion of this research is that there is a significant influence of the story "Ants and Jangkrik" on the moral development of children aged 5-6 years.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nida Afifa, Peny Husna Handayani PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN MEMBACA ANAK USIA 5-6 TAHUN MELALUI PERMAINAN KARTU HURUF DI TK NEGERI PEMBINA KABUPATEN TANGERANG 2024-05-07T10:29:46+00:00 Murni Maulina [email protected] Dwininda Ayundarani [email protected] <p>Based on observations conducted at TK Negeri Pembina in Tangerang Regency, there are several children in group B who have not yet mastered letter recognition, particularly consonants. As a result, they often struggle with assembling and reading words. The aim of this study is to understand the process and results of improving children's reading skills through letter card games. Before the study, young children at TK Negeri Pembina demonstrated a low reading ability at 23%. The method used in this study is action research, conducted in 2 cycles. Cycle I consisted of 8 sessions, but due to the limited improvement in children's reading ability, the study proceeded to cycle II, which comprised 4 sessions. The difference in the number of sessions was due to the children's reading ability showing significant improvement by the fourth session of cycle II, achieving a success rate of 75%. The study involved 10 children as subjects. Data collection techniques included observation, interviews, documentation, and data analysis. The study found that: 1) at the beginning of cycle I, the children's reading ability increased to 46%, and 3) cycle II yielded a result of 76%. Thus, it can be concluded that letter card games can enhance the reading ability of children aged 5-6 years at TK Negeri Pembina in Tangerang Regency.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Murni Maulina, Dwininda Ayundarani PENGEMBANGAN BAHASA ANAK USIA DINI MELALUI MENYIMAK DAN MENGUNGKAPKAN KATA DENGAN “GAMBAR BERSERI” 2024-06-19T16:13:41+00:00 Nina Nuriyah Maarif [email protected] Nur Indah Fajriyah [email protected] Riyadlotus Sholichah [email protected] <p>The use of interesting and colorful series of images can help children to concentrate more on learning activities. Serial image media was chosen as the best solution to overcome this problem because serial image media has an important role in clarifying the intention of the storyline, so that children can understand the meaning of the image more youthfully based on the order of the story contained in the image. This study is a quantitative research, which involves numbers, starting from data collection, interpretation of and the data, as well as the appearance of the results. This study uses a saturated sampling technique, because the population is not greater than 30 respondents, namely 21 students of Dharma Wanita Kindergarten School of Sukowati Bungah Gresik Association. This study shows that there is a significant influence with the application of serial images on the ability to listen and express words in group A children at Kindergarten Dharma Wanita Persatuan Bungah Gresik This is shown by the value of sig. (2-Tailed) 0.000 &lt; 0.05. This means that between the variables of the application of serial images to the ability to listen and express words, there is a significant linear relationship.&nbsp; Meanwhile, from the simple linear regression test, the meaning of the influence of the independent variable on the bound variable is 20.3%. It can also be seen from the significance value obtained, which is 0.000 less than 0.05, meaning that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, meaning that there is an influence between the series of images on the ability to listen and express words.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nina Nuriyah Ma'arif, Nur Indah Fajriyah, Riyadlotus Sholichah